Introducing Heurtey Petrochem Solutions:  Your Source for Fired Heaters and Furnaces

Heurtey Petrochem logo
The Petro-Chem Development Company has changed and grown throughout its history, which included a merger with Heurtey Petrochem in 2008. Last year, Axens Group Technologies acquired 100% ownership of Heurtey Petrochem, including Petro-Chem Development Company’s various offices in the United States.  In 2019, the group is emerging with new branding as Heurtey Petrochem Solutions, a name that reflects the company’s integrated project approach to process fired heaters and furnaces. 

Petro-Chem Development Company, as part of Heurtey Petrochem Solutions, offers design and build of new furnaces and reformers, and heater services such as heater performance optimization and revamp studies, revamps, as well as supply of spare parts.  With over 2,000 installations worldwide, Petro-Chem Development Company has the largest number of furnace references in the world.

Petro-Chem Development Company offers operators and end users the following key competitive advantages:

    Integrated Engineering

  • Strong Relationship with Licensors
  • Proprietary Technologies (SMR design, PFR Engineering software)
  • wner and Licensor of FRNC-5®, REFORM®-3, and EDCPyro TM  Furnace Simulation Software
    Capability to Conduct Large Projects

  • Full Hydrogen Plants
  • Unique Capability with Mega Modules (2,000 tons plus)

Heurtey Petrochem Solutions focuses on a three-pronged integrated project approach, comprised of study, supply, and service:


  • Fired Heater or Reformer Process & Mechanical Studies
  • Debottlenecking or Performance Evaluation
  • Capacity Increases
  • Evaluation of Feedstock Change
  • Energy Efficiency Studies
  • NOx Reduction Studies (SCR and UNLB)
  • Material Upgrades


  • Replacement radiant/convection coil bundles
  • Design and supply of complete radiant/convection modules
  • Air preheater replacement and upgrades
  • Furnace re-skins
  • Emergency rebuilds


  • Heater inspection, mechanical inspections
  • Field Survey and furnace audits
  • Performance data collection
  • Start-up and commission assistance
  • Operator training

Heurtey Petrochem Solutions offers the ability to control all phases of the project execution process, from feasibility study to delivery of turnkey equipment allows. G Squared is proud to partner with Heurtey Petrochem Solutions to be your fired heater partner for on-time, on-budget, with no surprises, fired heater solutions.